Wednesday, August 20, 2014


After his father's death, the Son decided to leave his mother at old age home and visited her on and off.
- Once he received a call from old age home... Mom very serious... please come to visit.
- Son went  and saw mom very critical, on her dying bed.
- He asked: Mom what can I do for you.
- Mom replied... "Please install fans in the old age home, there are none... Also put a fridge for betterment of food because many times I slept without food".
- Son was surprised and asked: mom, while you were here you never complained, now you have few hours left and you are telling me all this, why?
- Mom replied... "it's OK dear, I've managed with the heat, hunger & pain, but when your children will send you here, I am afraid you will not be able to manage!?

- Truth no 1: Nobody is real in this world except Mother.. 
- Truth no. 2: A poor person has no friends...
- Truth no. 3: People do not like
good thoughts, they like good looks!
- Truth no 4: People respect the money not the person.. 
- Truth no 5: The person you love the most, will hurt you the most!?
- Truth no 6: "Truth is Simple, But, The Moment YOU try to Explain it...
It Becomes Difficult"!?
- Truth no 7: "When you are happy you enjoy the music", but "when you are sad, you understand the lyrics". 
- Truth no 8: IN LIFE Two things define you - "Your patience" when you have nothing... & "Your attitude" when you have everything...

- Rightly said "The internet shows us how small the world is... but a missing plane  shows, how big our planet is.."..